Secure Networking for your Business, Project, Data Center or Cloud.

SecureNet Kinetics is just that - Secure Networking with the understanding that IT projects should not take a long time to complete. Business will not wait and the projects need to keep moving. No matter if you are just adding a new server, or changing service providers, adding connections with a vendor, migrating to a whole new data center or cloud, the first step is for network connectivity to exist.

And it needs to be secure.

With 20 years of experience, we have worked with public sector, non-profits and private sector. Industries including banks, credit card processors, city government, country government and school districts. If you have an IT network project or requirement, we would love the opportunity to help you.

Our Services

Network Services
Assessment, Design or Audit Remediation

Fixed Rate

Network assessment of the current network or a secure and redundant design for an upcoming expansion can be very straightforward engagements.

If you need to have remediation work after an audit, we can handle that for you.

Firewalls & Switches


If you are in need of network configuration or troubleshooting on a firewall, router or switch, we’re happy to assist.

This work can often be performed remotely. If you need physical assistance onsite, that can be arranged.

Managed Services

Fixed Rate

Let us take care of day to day administration of your network. Monitoring, alerting, configuration, updates and security patching can all be done for you.

Contact us for a call to go over your environment and we’ll take those worries off of your hands.

Professional Services

Hourly or Fixed Rate

If you just have a single project and need some technical assistance, we would love the opportunity to help!

More about our brand

Show up, everyday, on time, bring your skills, work hard, complete the task. That summarizes the work ethic and philosophy of SecureNet Kinetics.

That work has benefited many employers. Now we’d like it to benefit you. If you need technical assistance and need someone who will not shy away from complex or technical network tasks, give us a call.
